Programming Fundamental

Practice Assignment 

Date: 21 Oct 2014

Here is the Coding :) :p Enjoy

/*programming Lab-02,
Date: 21-oct-2014
Only For Practice*/
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
char grade='A',result='P';
float percentage=75,marks=855;  //Percentage and Marks both are taken in float. :)

printf("Marks Of Student Is=%f\n",marks);   // \n means to break or start new line
printf("Percentage Of Student Is=%f\n",percentage);
printf("Grade Of Student Is=%c\n",grade);
printf("Result Of Student Is=%c",result);

return 0;

How to Upload This Program To Turbo C.

Copy the above Coding and paste in notepad, save with any name.c
for example save with Practive.c or Assign.c
you must add .c in the End of name.

Move the Coded File to C/TurboC++/Disk1/TurboC3/BIN and Paste the Coded File and Run in Turbo C :) enjoy